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May 1, 2003

(603) 798-4350

MAY 1, 2003

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Stan Brehm, Joanna McIntosh, Skip Lawrence, Ron Lesieur, Mike Stamowlaros and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board and asked the members of the Board to review the minutes of April 3, 2003.

Correction on page 3 of the April 3, 2003 minutes a comma after first unloading.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the one change.


DESIGN REVIEW:  James Mullaney
        Map 2, Lots 67 & 77, Connamara Drive
Abutters present:  
Michael Currid, Mike & Gail Stamowlaros, Ray & Janet Labbe, Mark Edgecomb, Ewen Mackinnon, Ray Houle, Terrance Houle, Shirley Waters.

Webb Stout presented plans to the Board, Mr. Mullaney and Engineer Robert Rook were also present.

All wetlands have been identified and shown. They are seeking wetlands permits and other permits from the state. At this time all permit requests have been put on hold. The Board has requested that the soil types be changes to correspond with the Chichester soil types listed in the current zoning.

This project is for 18 new lots with two new cul-de-sacs and at the conclusion attached to the existing Connamara Drive, the cul-de-sac at the end of Connamara Drive will be removed and the area will be deeded back to the landowners. Mr. Stout will be meeting with the Fire Chief to see where he thinks the cistern should be placed. The Board will look at the whole subdivision.

The Board was in agreement that the plans need to go to the town engineer.
CHICHESTER PLANNING BOARD MEETING OF 5/1/03                       PAGE 2

Some concerns of the Board were stopping at the 4-way intersection, safety issues on the Bailey Road entrance/exit, spring in the road before the proposed site, paving of Bailey Road.

Phasing will be contingent to the growth ordinance and subdivision regulations.

Mr. Rook will deliver plans to Vollmer.

DISCUSSION:     Jay Baas
        Site Review
        Teachers Workshop
        Map 8, Lot 4, Depot Road

Mr. Baas Presented plans to the Board, he understands that he cannot use the old Depot Road as parking and is asking to put in less parking and use the westerly side of the old Depot Road to park cars. The Board did not feel they could make a decision on the parking because the land belongs to the Town and not to Mr. Baas. Site Review Regulation state 8 paved parking spaces are needed for this project.

Sent to the Selectmen.

DISCUSSION:     Doug Hamel
        Map 2, Lot 41-273, Staniels Road

Mr. Hamel presented plans for a 5-lot subdivision. After discussion of the property, one of the lots he is subdividing off holds home occupation he has and if he subdivides it off the home occupation will be null. Mr. Hamel stated he would not subdivide off the business. One of the parcels is partly in Pembroke.  He will need to meet with Pembroke on their zoning of the property. Mr. Hamel will contact the secretary when ready to continue.

DISCUSSION:     Ben & Norman Daroska
        Lot Line Adjustment
        Map 5, Lots 26 & 26A
        Canterbury & Center Roads

Mark Stevens presented the Board with plans for this project. Norman’s septic system is on Ben’s property so the lot line will be moved so the septic system is located on the proper property. Mr. Stevens will add Norman to the plan prepared for.

Design Review/Public Hearing set for June.
CHICHESTER PLANNING BOARD MEETING OF 5/1/03                       PAGE 3

DISCUSSION:     Joe Austin
        Elderly Housing
        Map 3, Lot 68B, Dover Road

Mr. Austin would like to build 22 units for a 55 and over housing community. Water and septic will be community, the existing house will be turned into a community building, he will have either a cistern or individual sprinkler systems.

They need to go by state statues and they must get approval from the Attorney General’s office.

Concerns are; some of the property is zoned residential, how does this fit in with the growth ordinance, how do you assure 55 and over.

Plans to the town attorney.

DISCUSSION:     Chris & Tina Drew
        Home Occupation – Dog Grooming
        Map 1, Lot 489A, Lane Road

The Drew’s would like to operate a dog grooming business out of their home. The Board informed them they might need state licensing for dog grooming.

Public hearing set for next month.

DISCUSSION:     William Gelinas
        Home Occupation
        Starter/Alternator Rebuilding
        Map 4, Lot 58F-2, Short Falls Road

Mr. Gelinas would like to take over David Marsh’s home occupation and work out of his home. All his business entails is rebuilding starters and alternators; they do not take them out of or put them into cars.

Public Hearing set for next month.

DISCUSSION:     Steven Prescott
        Site Review – Storage Facilities
        Map 2, Lot 82, Dover Road
Did not attend, no action taken.

CHICHESTER PLANNING BOARD MEETING OF 5/1/03                       PAGE 4

Alternate members were discussed, Andrea will send a letter to the Selectmen stating the Boards concern.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                Brehm/Lawrence                  (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:05pm

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Tracy Scott